Hello again!

Welcome to "Beyond HR," where we illuminate new pathways to your success.

Are you feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or burnt out? As a life coach with nearly 15 years' experience in HR, I understand the unique challenges you face. Whether it’s managing workplace dynamics, navigating organizational changes, or maintaining work-life balance, I’m here to guide you toward resilience and growth.

But guess what? You don’t have to be in HR to benefit from my coaching! Life happens to everyone, and we all encounter moments when we need support, clarity, and a fresh perspective. So, whether you’re an HR professional or simply someone seeking positive change, this newsletter is for you.

Now, I'm not one for wasting time, so, let's dive in and thrive together!

Embracing the Summer Hustle

Recently, I've been finding myself struggling to stay productive.

The warm weather, the buzz of summer activities ... it is all too tempting.

But guess what?

I discovered a few tricks that kept me on track and even boosted my productivity! 🌞

So, picture this: It was early July, and I was drowning in distractions.

... BBQs, beach days, and the sheer allure of a lazy afternoon in the sun ...

I was falling behind on work, and it stressed me out.

Then, one scorching afternoon, it hit me.

I needed a PLAN.

A system to balance work and play.

The turning point came when I stumbled upon a concept called time blocking.Time Blocking Schedule

Simple, yet transformative.

Here’s how it works: You break your day into blocks of focused work time, interspersed with breaks for relaxation or fun activities.

I started with 90-minute work blocks followed by 15-minute breaks.


Suddenly, I was getting more done in less time.

And those breaks? They made all the difference.

I’d take a quick walk, grab a smoothie, or even have a quick swim.


Another tool that saved me was the Pomodoro Technique.Pomodoro technique

25 minutes of intense focus followed by a 5-minute break.


It’s incredible how much you can accomplish in those short bursts.


And let’s not forget about maintaining a healthy environment.

Keeping hydrated with a water bottle always at my desk and using noise-cancellingHydrated at Desk headphones to drown out distractions.

These small changes added up.

By the end of summer, I was not only on top of my work but also enjoying the season like never before.

So, if you find yourself caught in the summer hustle, remember:

A little structure can go a long way.

Stay cool, stay productive, and make the most of this vibrant season!

I'm curious, what techniques have you used? How have they worked for you?

Feel free to share your triumphs, challenges, and experiences. We're all on this journey together and there's so much we can learn from each other.
I'm looking forward to hearing your stories!
— Coach Monet 🌿
 Stay tuned for more insights in the upcoming 'Beyond HR:  Your Guide to Personal and Professional Triumphs Beyond HR through Exclusive Coaching Insights!'   —   Until then, keep learning, keep growing, and keep winning!

Are you ready to dive deeper and truly transform your approach to challenges?

Click the button below to schedule a FREE Discovery Call with your Coach today and start on the path to unlocking your fullest potential. Let's personalize these strategies to fit your unique journey.


Rise to Radiance Discovery Call 


🎯 Focus Challenge: Weekly Productivity Hack

This summer, let's tackle productivity one hack at a time! 🚀

This week’s challenge: THE TWO-MINUTE RULE.

See something that takes less than two minutes?

Do it immediately.

The Two-Minute Rule is a game-changer.

Developed by productivity expert David Allen, this rule is simple yet powerful.

It’s all about tackling those small tasks immediately, rather than letting them pile up.

Think about it.

How often do we procrastinate on the little things?

~ Replying to an email.

~ Filing a document.

~ Or even making a quick phone call.

These tasks can seem insignificant, but they add up.

And they clutter our to-do lists.

Here's how to implement it:

1. Reply to emails: Got an email that requires a quick response? Don't delay.
2. Organize your desk: Take a moment to tidy up.
3. Make a phone call: Need to confirm an appointment? Do it now.


Person replying to an email at work


Try it out this week.

See how many two-minute tasks you can knock off your list.

You’ll be amazed at how much lighter and more productive you feel.

Share your experiences with this hack and reply to this email with your success stories!


Schedule a FREE call now! 

 🛠️ Tool Spotlight: Summer Productivity Essentials

Stay sharp with these MUST-HAVE tools. 🔧

Tool of the Week: TRELLO for Task Management. 📋

Ever feel like your tasks are slipping through the summer cracks?

Let me introduce you to Trello, the ultimate task management powerhouse.

Trello is your digital whiteboard, where you can organize tasks visually with boards, lists, and cards.

It’s simple.

It’s intuitive.

And it’s a game-changer.

Key Features:

  • Boards: Create a board for each project or goal.
  • Lists: Organize tasks into lists like "To Do," "In Progress," and "Done."
  • Cards: Add detailed task cards with due dates, checklists, and attachments.

Trello Board Example

Personal Tip:
One of my FAVORITE Trello features is the Butler Automation.

You can set it to automatically move cards from “In Progress” to “Done” once all checklist items are completed.

It saves time and keeps you focused on what matters most.

Dive in.

Get organized.

And watch your productivity soar this summer! 🌞

SPOTLIGHT: Unveiling the 'Healthy Ways to Deal with Stress & Prevent Burnout' Program!

Are you wrestling with stress?

Struggling with burnout syndrome?

Well, here's the good news ...

Introducing our program: 'Healthy Ways to Deal with Stress & Prevent Burnout!'

This flagship course is meticulously designed to arm you with effective strategies to manage stress and ward off burnout. We're taking a holistic approach, focusing on mental, emotional, and physical health.

Now, what makes this program stand out?

→ It's comprehensive: We're covering a range of topics from mindfulness techniques to effective work-life balance strategies to sleep advice for maintaining energy.

→ It's practical: We don't just teach theory. Every lesson comes with actionable steps you can implement right away.

→ Supportive Community: You'll be part of a community where you can share your journey, learn from others, and get the encouragement you need.

→ 1:1 Coaching: Receive personalized coaching as often as needed during the length of the program, ensuring you get the support and guidance tailored to your unique situation.

So, who is this program for?

Whether you're an HR professional aiming to create a healthier workplace, or a busy bee just trying to juggle life's many demands without losing your sanity, this program is for you.

We're here to help you cultivate healthier responses to stress and, ultimately, prevent burnout.

Come, join us on this journey towards a healthier, happier you!


Enroll Now!


You Asked, We Answered: Community Q&A

Hey there, curious minds! I've received some interesting questions recently, and guess what? I'm answering them right here, right now! Let's dive in ...

Here’s what’s on your minds:

"Q: How do I avoid burnout while staying productive in summer?"

Great question!

Implement regular breaks and mix in fun activities. Balance is key. 🔄 You need those breaks. Trust me.

Schedule short, frequent breaks throughout your day.


Take a walk.

Even a quick game on your phone can recharge your brain.

Mixing in fun activities can reset your focus.

It's about balance, folks. Don’t underestimate its power.

P.S. If you haven't signed up for the 'Healthy Ways to Deal with Stress & Prevent Burnout' program — now is the time. Click here to learn more.


"Q: What’s the best way to prioritize tasks with summer distractions?"

Use the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize tasks by urgency and importance. 📊
The Eisenhower Matrix is your new best friend.

Divide your tasks into four quadrants:Eisenhower Matrix example

1. Urgent and Important
2. Important but Not Urgent
3. Urgent but Not Important
4. Neither

Tackle them accordingly.

This method? Game-changer.


"Q: How can I stay motivated when everyone else seems to be in vacation mode?"

Set clear, achievable goals for each week and reward yourself when you hit them.
A little self-reward goes a long way. Think of it as your own mini vacation! 🎁

Let's talk about something crucial: our MINDSET. 🧠

Summer can be distracting, but a strong mindset keeps us on track.

Instead of just making a to-do list, I set an intention for the day: "Today, I will focus on completing one major project."

This is a GAME-CHANGER! 💥

Your mindset will shift from scattered to laser focused.

In addition ... you'll feel more accomplished and less stressed!


Here's how you can do it:

1. Start Your Day with Purpose:

~ Before diving into tasks, take a moment to set a clear intention.

~ It could be as simple as, "Today, I will prioritize my health by taking breaks."

2. Write it Down:

~ Grab a journal or use a digital note app.

~ Jot down your daily or weekly intention.

~ This solidifies your commitment and keeps you accountable.

3. Reflect and Adjust:

~ At the end of the day, review your intention.

~ Did you stay on track? If not, why?

~ Adjust your approach for the next day.

Remember, it's not about perfection. It's about PROGRESS.

So, here's a motivational mantra for you:

"Where focus goes, energy flows." 🌊

Keep your mindset sharp and watch how your productivity soars this summer!


Got more questions? Don't keep them to yourself! Your burning questions could be featured (and answered) in the next newsletter. So, keep them coming! Click here to submit your questions.

Stay Curious, Stay Connected

Questions or just wanna chat?

I’m all ears!

Schedule a 30-minute Virtual Coffee Chat here or email me at SummitwaysHR@gmail.com.
